We are thankful to Taylor from Carved Color Ceramics for letting us feature her. She is CREATIVE and we cannot wait to show her off to you in our 2022 show. She will be inside all 4 days, close to the registers! Make sure you take a look and grab some pieces for your own home! @carvedcolor


What led you to create your company? And what gave you the final push to jump in and start a brand? What about your brain injury and how it is part of your story?

My degree is in Graphic Design so I have always wanted to have a brand of some sort, I just didn’t know what! Life has a funny way of changing your plans and that’s exactly what happened.A few years ago, I was involved in a motor vehicle accident. Besides a few missing front teeth, I sustained a mild to moderate traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Due to digital screen limitations I had to take a break from graphic design. Even though ceramics had always been a part of my life, this was the “bump” I needed to start this small business. Thus was born Carved Color Ceramics!

What is the most surprising/best part about being a business owner in the "ceramic/shop small" space ? 

Probably the life lessons I have learned along the way! Ceramics for me has always been the art of waiting. You can’t skip steps or quicken up the process, it requires a ton of patience. And as someone who used to work in San Francisco in the tech world, it’s been a learning process of being okay letting things go and not being afraid of complete failure.

How do you stay inspired for each new collection?

 While clay in its original form is nothing more than mud or dirt, it has endless potential. When recovering from my brain injury this concept of hope and molding nothing into something kept me going. And as I am on the wheel throwing, it’s okay if it was meant to be a mug but ended up being a vase. Everything must go through the process. I love sharing my ceramic work with others and love thinking that the journey once a piece leaves my hands is only just beginning. I guess that’s what keeps me going!
 Current series/binge watching: Rings of Power Fueled by (drink): Water Fave Restaurant: Habana One bucket list item: Skydive  Current fave online shop: Rare Device  Guilty pleasure: Lululemon What did you want to be when you grew up?: Firefighter  Currently jamming to (song): Die a Happy Man by Thomas Rhett Best night in: Movie Night Best night out: Concert Go to skincare product: Drunk Elephant  Favorite color in the crayon box: Teal You in one word: Decisive