During this INTENSE time of need… where most of us are stuck at home, keeping ourselves isolated to stop the spread of Covid-19… a lot of us feel pretty helpless! Here is a service project you can do if you too, feel helpless and want to help those that are on the front lines right now (our medical doctors & nurses globally). They are needing masks because the entire universe bought them online during the big scare a few weeks ago.. so let’s get out our sewing machines and stored fabric for that project we never got to.
Below is a tutorial that one I quickly made … after watching this video. It was super helpful watching! After making just a few masks though, I came up with a system that fit better for me & possibly more simple. Plus I like to see things laid out in written form sometimes rather than rewatching.

If you’re local to San Clemente or close to it, we can come pick it up for you & make sure it gets to the right spot, or you can text us & drop them off on our porch. 949 672 8019.
Here is the fabric I used… each sheet made 3 masks, and from the extra scraps, I was able to make masks for my kids faces if we ever need to get out to stores together.
If you are making the masks for your family, it is recommended to make (3) per family member so one can be clean and ready to go if the others are being washed/dried.
*Update: another organization is collecting masks but asking you to drop them off at your local hospital. Click here to see (and a JoAnne’s tutorial)
- A lot of you have messaged about how they can accept home-made masks because of *germs*, obviously use discretion and don’t use gross fabric. Keep them clean and deliver them in a ziplock so by 3 days, any germs can disappear.
-Fabric choice, 100% cotton or 1 side 100% cotton, other side Fleece. I used 100% cotton on both and have tested it out, it works great! Do not use stretchy fabric as air can pass through pretty easily.