Mermade Market FAQ

Frequently asked questions for both shoppers and merchants

Shop Small

What is Mermade Market

Mermade Market is a  3-day, free, heavily curated, fresh, twice a year- show. We are tucked inside the Dana Point Harbor at the Ocean Institute. They are the best partners! We believe strongly in shopping local & small & we love that our community is on board with us. Half of our makers are inside the whale room and the rest are outside in our Mermade Market tents. Much different than shows around here in So. Cal, the inside portion is a central checkout..shoppers come in, grab a basket (and some taffy for kids & kicks), and shop without the vendors there. Our customers really love this because they can shop as they please. Our inside makers find that they love it too because they don't have to be sales people for 3 days and can also keep their day job and family life doesn't need to be interrupted. The other portion of the market is outside.. with 35-40 rotating makers each day! These are the makers that love to talk to you & show you their amazing goods. We also like to call it a festival of sorts with our live music, delicious food & misc events like our beer garden & magicians that show up! It's a real good time and we are thrilled to have you with us! Come say hi!

Is Mermade Market Free

  YES!! Come!

Stroller / Dog Friendly

Yes! Single strollers are highly suggested & or baby carriers. We also have the opportunity to showcase touch tanks & special tours with the Ocean Institute they can offer older kids.

Well mannered dogs are also warmly welcomed at Mermade Market.


What are my chances of being accepted as a Mer-maker?

Our inside space (all 3 days) only allows 45-50. Outside, 35-40 each day. If you create a fresh product we haven’t seen before, or put a new spin to something we have seen, chances are high you’ll get in. You have great branding & a vision for your online brand? Yes.. can’t wait to have you.

How are merchants selected?

The moment applications open & start coming in, we get the wheels turning. We are emailing applicants, requesting new content or a photographs we can't find online... and we have them categorized. New Makers/Repeat Makers/Need improvement makers. We choose the freshest, best branded shops that come in. We also only select 1-3 makers in each category.

Do you accept painters / Artists?

Depends on the art. If your art is being sold in galleries, let’s just tell you right now… our show is NOT a gallery. While some of our customers love taking home a special piece.. if you're expecting every customer to be ready to throw down some money for an amazing original, it might not happen. If you MUST come to Mermade for networking and some ad space, then great, we can provide that, but please apply for the outside section and keep your prices realistic. If you want to be an “inside maker”, you must make your work under $100, even maybe under $50. Prints are fine but don't sell like they do outside.

Does my product need to be handmade?

For the most part, yes. We do not allow for “MLM” companies. If you have a curated shop where you wholesale items from a factory (like clothing) or wholesale from other shops, it’s all good. If we think you have a vision & are working hard to sell that product, let’s do this.

If I'm not accepted this time, can I apply again?

Yes! We don't want to accept our old vendors a million times. We gotta keep it FRESH. If you weren't accepted, you were most likely given a reason why so that you can fix it by the next time! That's the great thing about being a creator. Creating & changing often is a beautiful work of art! Or you weren't accepted because there simply was too many jewelry makers and we just can't have you all! No hard feelings!

Outdoor Merchant Info

For information about being an outdoor merchant click here.

Indoor Merchant Info

For information about being an outdoor merchant click here.

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