Meet the Maker, Lisa, who has ingeniously created the coolest company to help mom's lives a lot easier. She has created an underwear system for kids that is color coded, by size!

Laundry is at the top of the list of most annoying chores, because it is never ever ending and its a daily chore. I have personally seen this company from inception on social media, and she's crushing! We are stoked to have her at Mermade this show! She will be outside Saturday only.
How was Drawers Co. created?
In 2017 we moved our family from UT to Los Angeles. As moves go, the last bit of packing looked a lot like just throwing everything into boxes. So we it came time to unpack, I dumped out a box full of my 3 son’s underwear and started to sort through them. I was so frustrated to find that nearly every pair was had the tag cut out (too itchy) or the size had rubbed of.
Because my boys were close in age, it was a tedious process to figure out whose was whose. I remember saying out-loud “ somebody needs to make this easier.” Months went by and I couldn’t shake the thought that maybe that somebody was me. So I started researching and checking out the fabric district in LA- dreaming of how to create underwear for kids that was easy to sort. It wasn’t until 3 years later when we had moved back to UT that the ball really got rolling. My youngest was about to start school and I had a little more time to make things happen with manufactorers & such. Things were really happening and it felt so exciting. And then-plot twist- I found out that I was expecting out 5th “bonus baby” right about the same time our product was supposed to launch! And so my business baby and baby baby were both officially born in late 2021.

What's some of the best advice you've been given, something that inspired you or kept you motivated to keep going?
Susan Peterson, founder of Freshly Picked, once shared with me that she always try to make God a part of her business. I have kept that in mind as I have tried to get Drawers Co. off the ground while also prioritizing my family. I try to be deliberate and prayerful about the actions I take otherwise I feel like I am just on a hamster wheel.
What is the most surprising/best part about being a business owner?
The best part of being a business owner is hearing when people love your products. It feels really feels vulnerable when you put products out in the world and when people leave positive reviews or tell you that they love them, it feels like a million bucks.
How often do you release new pieces?
Because of our color coded system- all of our products are specially designed and manufactured just for us. So we don’t release new products often but try to drop some new socks each holiday season. The real dream is to apply our color coded system to all sorts of things- PJs, tights, t-shirts! Stay tuned!

Describe your #drawersco customer.
A busy mom looking for a way to make laundry easier.

Random, rapid fire round!
You in one word: Learning
Current series/binge watching: Brooklyn 99
Fueled by (drink): Perk
Fave Restaurant: Juliana’s in Brooklyn
One bucket list item: Taking my red headed son to Ireland to be among his people
Favorite color in the crayon box: Rose Red
Current fave online shop: Does Costco Same day count?
Guilty pleasure: eating chocolate chips by the handfuls
What did you want to be when you grew up? A nurse like my mom
Currently jamming to (song): Bigger Man by Andy Grammer
Best night in: All of them.
Best night out: Out to dinner with close friends chatting about life
Go to skincare product: Just Ingredients Face Scrub
You can check out Drawers Co via instagram here
And their website here!